Taxi hire costs vary between businesses listed. This website is simply a directory. We can not control taxi prices. We recommend discussing costs directly with a driver before booking.
Driver - Guri Dhaliwal [ID - Guri24]
Vehicle - Toyota, Camry
Business Name - Guri Dhaliwal
Email: guridhaliwal315@gmail.com
Phone: 02102347121
Mon, Tues, Wedneday, Thursday 3pm-10pm
Friday & Saturday 4pm to 6am
Accepts EFTPOS and Cash payments
Driver - Alan Butterfield [ALAN 190]
Vehicle - PSZ726 , Toyota Sia
Business Name - Alan Butterfield
Phone: 028 4173325

Works flexible hours depending on workload

Airport Transport and Tours by appointment
EFTPOS Facilities Regular customers invoiced

Driver - Mike Bennetts
Vehicle - QKZ861, Totota Camry
Business Name - Mike's Taxis

Day Shift
Airports and Tours by appointment

Eftpos/Credit or Debit cards, Cash
Driver - Mark Fuller [ID - MARK 53]
Vehicle - MTESLA, Tesla Model 3
Business Name - The White Horse
Started driving taxis in 2017
Phone: 0274811052
Tuesday - Wednesday, 12.30pm to 2.30am
Thursday - Friday, 1.30pm to 3.30am
Saturday, 3pm to 4am on Sunday morning
Sunday - Monday, airport transfers and tours by ppoinment only
Eftpos/Credit or Debit cards, Cash, Cryptocurrency via PIN
Driver - Bob Barlin [ID - BOB12]
Vehicle - PQZ655, Toyota Prius 2015
Business Name - Bob Barlin
Started driving taxis in 2017
Phone:0800 236687
Monday - Thursday 07.30am to 5.30pm
Fridays - Off
Saturday Sunday 08.00am to 5.30pm
Airport Transport and Tours by appointment
EFTPOS Facilities Regular customers invoiced